
9 a.m. – 5 p.m

4 p.m



如果可能,最好安排预约. 如果时间安排允许,将允许预约.

在你第一次去学生健康中心之前, you will need to complete the following items in the Medicat 病人门户, 大学的电子病历系统.

  • 健康的历史
  • 隐私政策
  • 远程医疗同意书(如适用)
  • 同意治疗未成年人(如适用)




Dominican University is m和ated to comply with New York State Department of Health Public Health Laws regarding immunization requirements for attendance at post-secondary institutions.

Immunization documentation is due by 8月ust 1 (Fall semester) or January 1 (Spring semester) or May 1 (Summer semester).

如果你没有提交你的免疫文件, 您的帐户将被暂停注册. Students will be excluded from residing in residence halls or participating in team sports.


Complete forms 和 submit all immunization documentation online through the 多明尼加大学医疗病人门户网站. Contact the Student Health Center at (845) 848-7918 with any questions or concerns. 




根据纽约州公共卫生法第2165条, 所有的学生, 本科生或研究生, 1月1日或之后出生, 1957, enrolled for 6 or more credit hours must provide the University with documentation of immunity to measles, 流行性腮腺炎, 和风疹. 文件可以通过疫苗史证明, 病史记录, 或者通过血清学测试证明免疫.


提供证明患病日期的文件, 或者注射麻疹, 流行性腮腺炎, 风疹疫苗. 这包括以下文件:

  • 有执照的医生出具的正式免疫接种文件, 执业护士或医师助理.
  • An immunization record card signed by a physician, 执业护士或医师助理.
  • Immunization certificate from another educational institution which you have attended.
  • 一个军人家属的疫苗记录.
  • The student must submit proof of honorable discharge from the armed services within 10 years from the date of application to the institution. The proof of honorable discharge shall qualify as a certificate enabling a student to attend the institution pending actual receipt of immunization records from the armed services.

All immunizations must have been given no more than 4 days prior to the student’s first birthday:

  • 活麻疹:需要2剂. 疫苗接种间隔必须至少28天.
  • 活腮腺炎:需要1剂.
  • 活风疹:需要1剂.


提供证明患病日期的文件. 如果由医生诊断, 护士, 或者医师助理, a history of having had measles 和/or 流行性腮腺炎 is acceptable proof of immunity. 医生或医疗服务提供者必须填写初次诊断的日期.


Blood antibody titer, a blood test, may be used to indicate immunity to measles, 流行性腮腺炎, 和风疹. 请提交注明日期的实验室报告原件. 这份报告必须包括实验室名称, 学生的姓名和出生日期, 数值结果, 数值解释的范围.


提供证明疫苗接种日期的文件. 这包括以下文件:

  • 有执照的医生出具的正式免疫接种文件, 执业护士或医师助理.
  • An immunization record card signed by a physician, 执业护士或医师助理.
  • Immunization certificate from another educational institution which you have attended.
  • 一个军人家属的疫苗记录.

纽约州第2167号法律要求机构, 包括学院和大学, to distribute information about meningococcal disease 和 vaccination to 所有的学生, 本科生或研究生, 符合入学标准, 不管他们住在校内还是校外.

All Dominican University students living in the resident halls 和 all student athletes are required to be immunized prior to move-in day, 第一天上课, 或者是第一天练习. All commuter students 和 non-athlete students must complete the 男人ingococcal Declination Response Form in the Medicat 病人门户 by signing the declination statement.

男人ingococcal Declination Response Form is accessed through Medicat 病人门户

Dominican University adheres to the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) regarding meningitis 和 students living in residence halls. 参见疾病预防控制中心网投十大可靠娱乐平台脑膜炎球菌病和疫苗接种的信息.

All immunizations must have been given no more than 5 years before enrollment, 最好在16岁生日当天或之后:

男人ingococcal ACWY: 1 dose of 男人ingococcal ACWY (男人ACWY) vaccine or 2 doses if given before 16th birthday or greater than 5 years before enrollment. (品牌:男人actra、男人veo、男人Quadfi)


男人ingococcal B: Vaccine series of 男人ingococcal B (男人B) (Br和 names: Trumenba, Bexsero).

提供证明疫苗接种日期的文件. 这包括以下文件:

  • 有执照的医生出具的正式免疫接种文件, 护士, 医师助理或国家免疫数据库
  • An immunization record card signed by a physician, 执业护士或医师助理.
  • Immunization certificate from another educational institution which you have attended.
  • 一个军人家属的疫苗记录.


结核病(TB)仍然是一个世界性的健康问题. Screening for TB means assessing each students risk for developing active TB while on campus at Dominican University 和 further testing those students at increased risk. Students with a Tuberculin Skin Test or a blood test which indicate exposure to TB are required to have a chest x-ray to be TB compliant at Dominican University.

All students must complete the 结核病(TB)筛查 Form in the Medicat 病人门户.

完成结核病筛查问卷后, any student considered to be at increase risk must have the TB Clinical Assessment Form completed by a healthcare provider 和 upload to the Medicat 病人门户 for review.




A student with a health condition for which receiving a specific vaccine is contraindicated, 有执照的医生, 护士, physician assistant or licensed midwife caring for a pregnant student must certify in writing the student’s condition for which immunization may be detrimental 和 length of time immunization may be detrimental for.

以防疾病爆发, medically exempt individuals will be excluded from classes 和 on-campus for their protection.


详情请浏览大学网页 Covid-19政策和要求


请尽快提交您的免疫接种文件. 你可以通过 多明尼加大学医疗病人门户网站.


学生健康中心提供的所有服务都是保密的. Information will not be released without the written permission of the student, except in an emergency situation where the safety of the student is at risk.


To schedule an in-person or telehealth appointment, please call or email us.

电子邮件: dunyhealthcenter@duny.edu
电话: 845-848-7918
传真: 845-359-7227